
Gov. Wilson’s State Message : State ID Cards

* Re “Ezell Unveils Initiative for State-Issued Identity Cards,” Jan. 10: We Americans are a goofy, fun-loving bunch. We can’t resist high-minded, symbolic quests, as long as they don’t get anywhere.

The entertaining, former border patrol generalissimo, Harold Ezell, Proposition 187 proponent, now wants a ballot measure to require the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue “tamper-proof” licenses and identity cards. This is supposed to effectively combat illegal immigration.

There will be much gnashing of teeth over this, civil libertarians on both the right and left hate the idea, fearing a police state. A lot of money will be spent. All the rhetoric, time and cash will be wasted.


At this moment, we have a nationwide identification system that no one seems to be interested in using, including, apparently, Ezell. It is the Social Security card.

The ACLU and the National Rifle Assn. have nothing to worry about. America is in no danger of having an effective identification system. America wants cheap labor. If we really wanted to control illegal immigration, we could enforce the laws already in place. But hey, won’t the debate be fun?


Hacienda Heights Caption: ROMAN GENN for The Times
