
A Civics Lesson for Supervisor Schillo

“The public has to be served. They are our clients, our customers,” Frank Schillo was quoted as saying in a Jan. 4 article, “County to Consider a Return to 5-Day Week.”

Is it just me, or does this statement grate the spine of every taxpayer in Ventura County?

An otherwise promising member of the Board of Supervisors, Mr. Schillo seems to have forgotten something. Government is not a business and taxpayers are not “clients” or “customers” of it.

We, taxpayers, are your bosses! We supply the revenue for your salary and fringe benefits, and all we ask in return is that you maintain and provide what is known as “public services.”


We have never expected you to treat us as underlings, dictating where, when and how your “services” will be supplied. Get these simple facts straight in your mind and your term will be much more rewarding to taxpayers/civilians countywide.

And why stop at five days a week? We, the public, deserve 24 hours, seven days a week for the taxes we’re paying!


