
Ex-UC Faculty Member’s Bias Suit Settled for $1 Million

<i> Associated Press</i>

A former assistant professor of architecture at the University of California who claimed she was denied tenure because she was an Asian woman has won a $1-million settlement.

“I’m very, very happy,” architect Marcy Wang said after the out-of-court settlement was announced Monday. “I think that it vindicates me, and it’s been a long, long journey.”

Wang joined the faculty at UC Berkeley in 1979. She was denied tenure in 1986 and again in 1988. Her case went through a lengthy internal grievance process and she filed suit three years ago.


According to a joint news release, the settlement was one of the highest paid by the University of California in cases of alleged race or sex discrimination. But UC Berkeley officials denied that the settlement was an admission of error.

“Neither race nor sex was a factor in Marcy Wang’s denial of tenure,” said Vice Chancellor and Provost Carol Christ.

“We were really motivated by economic factors,” she said.
