
Calabasas : Grand Opening of New Library Jan. 13

The city of Calabasas plans a grand opening Jan. 13 for its new library in the Parkway Calabasas Shopping Center.

City Council members and Los Angeles County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky are scheduled o be on hand for the event, which begins at 11 a.m. at the library, 23645 Calabasas Road.

Until now, the city’s library has been housed in a tiny room in City Hall that held about 4,000 volumes. Officials say the new, 1,500-square-foot facility will house about 12,000 volumes.


Calabasas, which signed a three-year lease at the shopping center, hopes eventually to build its own library. However, budget constraints could force the city to remain at the shopping center indefinitely.

Preparing the new facility has cost $33,000, of which $20,000 was allocated by the city, officials said. Lockheed Corp., which last year moved its corporate headquarters from Calabasas to Maryland, donated $100,000 to help fund the new library.
