
San Gabriel Valley : GUN FLAP

Pasadena anti-violence activists and church leaders outraged at plans for a new gun store a stone’s throw from the city’s biggest church persuaded the City Council on Monday to look for ways to limit where such stores open in the future.

The council directed staff members to work with groups including Pasadena’s Coalition for a Non-Violent City to develop local laws to limit such uses.

Earlier this year Pasadena apparently became the first city in the nation to require the registration of ammunition sales.


Councilwoman Joyce Streator said the city may be able to duplicate other cities’ codes regulating where gun stores are allowed to open. Such ordinances could be patterned after a law in Sacramento limiting the number of gun stores, said Giselle Franco, executive director of the coalition.

At Monday’s council meeting, about four dozen people protested the location of Diamond Jim’s gun store, promising to picket when the store opens next month in the 400 block of North Lake Avenue.
