
2 Wheels, 4 Legs Just Don’t Mix

Biker Jeremiah Gerbracht and his faithful, loophole-sniffing lawyer cleverly dispute a citation for having a dog improperly ride a motorcycle, saying the related motor vehicle code deals only with people, not animals (“Biker Howls Over Pooch’s Ticket,” Dec. 6).

Frankly, I don’t care how humans ride noise-polluting deathtraps. I’m confident our tax-supported trauma centers and skyrocketing collective insurance rates will keep bikers vegetating on life support long after their mangled bodies are scraped off the roads by Caltrans, tax-funded cops and paramedics.

But I am distressed by the idea of a beautiful, innocent animal like Harley falling onto the road from her untethered perch during a collision or other mishap, only to be run over by me or some other hapless square unlucky enough to be driving a car behind the dog’s free-spirited owner.


Let’s face it: If God had wanted dogs to ride motorcycles, he’d have given them larger paws, longer legs and lower IQs.


