
ZIP Remedy Is the Job of Residents

* Your Oct. 26 story on the ZIP code controversy in Oak Park crosses the line from objective reporting to aiding and abetting the manufacturers of an issue obviously created with political motives.

It seems fairly obvious, with the general direction of devolution of power back to the states and communities that the House Republican leadership has led, that the House committee would not want to micro-manage how the Postal Service administers its ZIP codes. It runs completely contrary to every initiative coming out of the House.

The remedies seem obvious: The citizens of Oak Park should be prepared to be informed and assertive consumers. If the sales tax for mail-order purchases does not reflect where you live, let the company know and take your business elsewhere if they do nothing. My car insurance agency knows that I live in Ventura County and by law charges me accordingly. If your insurance agency treats you differently, take your business elsewhere.


And, if there really is “untold confusion for 911 dispatchers” as your article states, that is unacceptable. Just as unacceptable as Ventura County losing sales tax and motor vehicle registration funds to Los Angeles County. But that is where the Oak Park Municipal Advisory Council, Supervisor Frank Schillo, and other lawmakers should expend their efforts. It seems that this is what they were elected to do.

Greg Brozeit

Oak Park
