
Paying the Students: The Debate Goes On

Mike Kupper’s condescending attitude toward Donnie Edwards stinks. Edwards is saying that, as a student-athlete, he should be entitled to the same opportunities and rights as every other student with a scholarship at UCLA. Other students with scholarships can work, they can receive money from those who wish to give or lend it to them, and those other students wouldn’t be subject to penalties akin to jail time for doing so.

Quite simply, it is time for the NCAA to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th Century. Their role should be to run tournaments and promote collegiate athletics. Nothing more.


Los Angeles


Concerning Mike Kupper’s reaction to Donnie Edwards’ complaints: Let ‘em eat cake, right Mike?



Santa Monica


Mike Kupper’s commentary misses the point. I hope Edwards pursues the issue all the way to court if necessary. It is unconstitutional that a person can be prevented from earning an income, while athletic departments and coaches make hundreds of thousand of dollars from athletic company sponsors, gate receipts and television revenues.


Marina Del Rey


Poor Donnie Edwards doesn’t have enough to eat or money to take out a girl on a date. On top of this, he must drive an old car.

This young man is attending one of the top-ranked schools in the United States and it’s not costing him one red cent for this great education. He elects to live off campus, then gripes about the cost of housing in the most expensive real estate in Southern California. He also said his parents don’t have any money, yet he wants money to spend on a good time, at taxpayers’ expense.


This generation makes me ill. Get a life, Donnie.




Poor Donnie Edwards. What a pity to suffer such humiliations while in the star limelight. Do you realize, at your age, you could have reaped the benefits of a better lifestyle? Men your age really enjoyed Somalia, the Gulf War and even now the contemplation of service in Bosnia.

I’m 70 years old, just had my ’79 Caddy call it quits, eat lots of rice, beans, macaroni and cheese and am happy as hell I am still alive to watch you on the boob tube. Is this a great country or what?


Thousand Palms
