
Schools / Education news : WESTMINSTER : District Receives $1.5-Million Grant

The Westminster Unified School District has received a $1.5-million, five-year federal grant to help fund programs at Finley and Neomia B. Willmore elementary schools.

The district will receive $310,000 a year through 1999, beginning this month, officials said.

Diane Materazzi, the project coordinator and grant writer, said the funds will be used to strengthen existing programs geared toward academic achievement and language skills.


Under the umbrella name Project STEP UP, or Students Team with Educators and Parents to Unite for Progress, the schools will create before- and after-school learning centers for students, and fund new technology, science and math materials, teacher training events and literacy programs, officials said.

The project will begin in 1996 after about six months of planning officials said.

Finley and Willmore serve about 1,110 kindergarten through sixth-graders in central and northeast Westminster.

