
Oregon’s City of Roses--and Rain

Portland, Ore., the City of Roses, is a popular destination for seniors because many of the city’s hotels offer reduced rates for people over 60. Some hotels to choose from include:

* The Greenwood Inn, eight miles from downtown Portland in the suburb of Beaverton, offers 25% off rack rates to members of American Assn. of Retired Persons, American Automobile Assn. or those over age 60, for a rate of $71 for standard rooms, $84 for deluxe rooms. Some rooms have refrigerators and full kitchens. Telephone (800) 289-1300.

* Portland Hilton in downtown offers 25% to 50% savings for members of the Hilton Honors program, plus 20% off prices in the Hilton’s dining rooms. For membership information, call (800) 432-3600. For Hilton reservations, call (800) 445-8667.


* Red Lion Hotel is across the street from the Lloyd Center, a mall with 175 stores, restaurants and movie theaters. AARP members pay $111 a night for a double room, which is a 20% discount. Covered parking is included, as is airport shuttle; tel. (503) 281-6111.

* Sheraton Portland Airport offers guests over age 50 a 25% discount off rack rates. A guest room for two with a regular rate of $122 to $127 is reduced to $91.50; tel. (800) 325-3535.

* The Riverside Inn on the Willamette River adjoins the MAX Light Rail system serving the Coliseum, Oregon Convention Center and other points. Use of the health club and parking are included. With a discount of 25%, rooms for two are $84 to $110; tel. (800) 899-0247.


Portland attractions that offer discounts for seniors include:

* Cowboys Then & Now Museum illustrates the evolution of the American cowboy and the cattle industry through theater, interactive exhibits and library; $2, seniors free the first Thursday of every month; tel. (503) 731-3333.

* Metro Washington Park Zoo, 61 acres representing nearly every continent, cafes, zoo train; $4 for seniors; tel. (503) 226-1561.

* Oregon Ballet Theatre performances, October, 1995, through May, 1996; prices range $10-$65; tel. (503) 227-0977.


* Portland Art Museum, unique collections of Native American art, Chinese tomb figures, American and French paintings, sculptures, film showings; $3.50; tel. (503) 226-2811.

The Portland Visitors Assn. offers a free guide called the Portland Book, which lists lodgings and festivals. Call (800) 345-3214, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
