
THE SIMPSON VERDICTS : The Wonders of Databases

Computer-assisted number crunching reveals the following updated facts from the caseof the People of the State of California vs. Orenthal James Simpson:

Number of times they spoke in court

Marcia Clark: 37,000

Johnnie L. Cochran: 33,000

Christopher A. Darden: 15,000

Robert L. Shapiro: 12,000


Number of times word was used:

Blood: 15,000

Glove: 13,000

DNA: 10,000



Overruled: 9,000

Sustained: 7,000

Kardashian and the luggage

O.J. Simpson’s friend and lawyer Robert Kardashian says he was “wrongly smeared” by suggestions that he stashed the contents of Simpson’s luggage when Simpson returned from Chicago the day after the murders of his ex- wife and her friend. “I would never be an accessory to a crime, let alone a double murder, “ Kardashian said in an interview on “Dateline NBC.” Kardashian said he never looked inside the bag. He said Simpson’s personal assistant took the bag from his house several months later and had the clothing, “or whatever was in the bag,” cleaned. Police didn’t ask for the bag until seven months after the murders, he said. Kardashian handed it over empty. Kardashian refused to take the witness stand to discuss the garment bag, citing attorney- client privilege.
