
Anatomies of Disgust

Shame on KCOP for presenting, under the guise of a documentary, the production “Anatomy of Horror” (Aug. 22). I call it a “pseudomentary.”

The program (about the history of horror films with a preview of two upcoming fright films) should have carried a disclaimer, labeling it for what it was: nothing more than a one-hour infomercial. The premise was excellent, but it failed to even approach fulfilling its potential.

The true horror was the show.

Lyn A. Sherwood, San Juan Capistrano


Typical. Fox Broadcasting’s “Roswell Autopsy”” (Aug. 28) program showed us graphic pictures of an “alien” autopsy, including close-ups of skin being sliced open, organs exposed, the head being sawed open and the brains removed.


But of course the genital area of the “creature” was blocked out. I think the underlying message espoused by the standards of film and television “ratings”--it’s OK to slice someone apart, but not to have sex--is both hypocritical and disgusting.

Eric Miller, Los Angeles
