
CYPRESS : Movie Theater Sought to Boost Revamp Plan

A 14-screen movie theater is under consideration for redevelopment land on Lincoln Avenue, the City Council announced Monday night.

The council unanimously voted for “exclusive rights to negotiate” with Krikorian Premiere Theatres Inc. to build a complex at 5800 Lincoln Ave., a commercial hub of the city. Much of the street is also a redevelopment project.

“We’re very excited about this opportunity,” City Manager Darrell Essex told the council. He added that such a project would foster other revitalization efforts in that area.


Timothy O’Byrne, Krikorian’s vice president for development, told the council that the Portland, Ore.-based company is interested in building in Cypress. “In our strategic planning, Cypress makes sense,” he said, adding that Krikorian has 10 movie theaters in Southern California, with a total of 80 screens.

O’Byrne also told the council that movie theaters are usually eagerly sought by city redevelopment agencies because the complexes attract people and bring life into once-dormant commercial areas.

The land proposed for development formerly was a car dealership. City officials said the land has become a vacant eyesore. Mayor Cecilia L. Age said that if a movie theater occupies the site, there could be a domino-like effect attracting new businesses.


“This may be the beginning of a chain reaction,” Age said.
