
FILLMORE : Train Rides Offered for Holiday Weekend

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Steam train rides and a barbecue dinner train trip will be offered in Fillmore over Labor Day weekend.

The scenic rides on the Fillmore & Western Railway, departing from Central Park one block north of California 126 on Central Avenue in Fillmore, will run on a railroad line built in 1887.

Locomotive No. 51, a 71-ton steam engine built in 1906, will power one of the trains as it travels west of Fillmore. No. 51 has been used in several movies, including “Chaplin” and “Of Mice and Men.”


Hourlong trips will be offered Saturday, Sunday and Monday, departing each day at 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 2 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Prices are $12.50 for adults, $7 for children ages 4 through 12, and free for children under 4 who are accompanied by an adult.

A 1940s-era diesel-powered train will take passengers on the barbecue dinner ride to a picnic area west of Fillmore on Saturday. The trip will depart at 6 p.m. and return at 9:30 p.m. Entertainment will be provided on board the train and at the picnic area west of Fillmore. Cost is $38.50 for adults, $31.50 for children ages 8 through 12, and $10 for children ages 1 through 7.

Advance reservations are required for the dinner trip, but reservations are not accepted for the one-hour train rides.


For more information, call Fillmore & Western Railway at 524-2546.
