
Orangewood Audit Should Be Released

* Re: “Orangewood Auditor Won’t Release Report” (Aug. 17): Publishing truth about medicines given defenseless kids comes in second to fear of a lawsuit if that truth be made public.

It was to dig out the truth that 10 months ago Los Amigos of Orange County insisted to Supervisor William Steiner and county health officials a thorough professional audit be made of Orangewood Children’s Home medication practices. We made the request after a former Orangewood staff member shared disturbing concerns with us, including her worry a review might not be properly conducted. We incorporated her suggestions into our correspondence. Officials promised us our request was being taken seriously and would be promptly acted on.

We later learned the Orange County bankruptcy postponed the beginning of any action. Now we find from The Times that the county hired a three-person team of professionals in March to do the review. Their work was complete by late June. Now, almost two months later, the lead psychiatrist in this team balks at turning over the results.


What are we talking about here? Throwaway kids? If they had influential parents, the suits would by flying. Every local politician would be getting an earful. Professional associations and health quality agencies would be taking a pounding. There would be day-after-day media coverage. What have these kids been dosed with? How often? By whom? On what authority’

In a situation like this, what are we to think, when the only suit the lead investigative psychiatrist fears might be one filed by someone who does not want the findings revealed?


Chairman, Los Amigos of Orange County

