
Orange County public television station KOCE Channel...

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Orange County public television station KOCE Channel 50 raised $261,588 with its 12-day summer fund drive, topping its take from last summer’s campaign by $40,588 and receiving 1,108 more pledges than last year for a total of 3,814. The summer drive ended Sunday. A station spokeswoman attributed the increase largely to three broadcasts of a 1980 concert by the Grateful Dead, whose leader, Jerry Garcia, died Aug. 9. The first airing of the long-scheduled Dead special, coincidentally on the night Garcia died, fetched about $36,000, the station’s second-best one-night tally ever. (That figure was revised down about $6,000 from the one reported by KOCE the day after the Aug. 9 broadcast.)

Compiled by Ken Williams
