
HUNTINGTON BEACH : Pierfest Relocated Away From Namesake

Pierfest, an annual celebration that features food, music, sports and the arts, will not be at the pier this year.

Organizers of the festival, which began in the summer of 1992 to celebrate the reopening of the city’s pier, are moving it south, across the street from the Waterfront Hilton.

“Because of the popularity of the event, we outgrew the space. We needed more space and more parking,” said Paul Cook, a co-organizer of the fourth annual event, which begins Friday night and runs through Sunday.


Pierfest ‘95, a family-oriented event that will include activities for children, is expected to draw more than 150,000 people, Cook said. “We’ve built it up to a bigger and better festival every year,” he said.

The festival will feature more than 100 arts and crafts booths and food from 25 Southland restaurants. A series of concerts will be held, including blues bands on Friday night, jazz on Saturday and 1960s surf music on Sunday.

The festival also will include the 1995 Women’s Pro Beach Volleyball National Championships, in-line skate competitions and five- and 10-kilometer runs on Sunday morning.


Some downtown merchants, however, are disappointed that the event will take place farther from Main Street. Bobbie Melton, manager of the Longboard Restaurant and Pub, said: “It does take the focus away from the pier. But I’m hoping people will still come down and frequent the establishments on Main Street.”

“We’re hoping for the best. We have the pier,” she added.

To encourage people to visit downtown, there will be a shuttle bus to Main Street, Cook said.

For the first time, there will be an admission charge of $2, which will increase to $5 after 4 p.m. Children under 12 will be admitted free. Cook said the admission charge will help the festival produce revenue for local charities.


Pierfest hours are 5 to 10 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday. Information: (714) 960-FEST.
