
ANAHEIM : Council Backs Most Restrictions on Mr. J’s

To ensure that Mr. J’s operates as a restaurant and cocktail lounge rather than an adult entertainment spot, the City Council this week upheld all but one restriction placed on the business by the Planning Commission.

The council Tuesday supported six restrictions, among them a requirement that food sales be greater than alcohol sales and a prohibition of pool tables and coin-operated games.

The council, following a recommendation by City Atty. Jack White, overruled a Planning Commission decision that would have terminated a conditional use permit for Mr. J’s in June, 1996. White said the commission’s action might not have held up in court.


The city’s scrutiny of Mr. J’s began earlier this year when owner Mohammad Johar sought permission to remodel the establishment at Tustin and La Palma avenues.

Johar said he wanted to provide dining room patrons with a more scenic view in hopes of increasing food and liquor sales.

City officials, however, contended that Mr. J’s was not operating primarily as a restaurant and had in fact become a nightclub that featured bikini-clad exotic dancers.


The city’s zoning laws do not allow adult entertainment businesses in the area where Mr. J’s is located.

Mr. J’s has filed suit challenging the constitutionality of the zoning restriction, White said.
