
San Gabriel Valley

APPOINTMENT CONTROVERSY: Pasadena activists temporarily shut down the City Council meeting Monday night after the mayor denied them a chance to comment on a controversial hire.

Mayor William Paparian recessed the council for an hour after the Coalition of Neighborhood Assns. and Concerned Citizens and Gabrielino Indian leader Vera Rocha refused to relinquish the chamber’s microphone.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Aug. 17, 1995 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Thursday August 17, 1995 Home Edition Metro Part B Page 5 Metro Desk 2 inches; 52 words Type of Material: Correction
Pasadena appointment--An item in Wednesday’s editions inaccurately reported that Pasadena Mayor William Paparian denied activists a chance to speak on a controversial city hire. Paparian did not allow the activists to speak when the item came up on the agenda Monday, but they were permitted to address the issue during the public comment time at the end of the meeting.

The mayor told the group he would not let them comment on the decision to hire an Anglo environmentalist for a top city job rather than the African American who has held the position on an interim basis.


Last week, the council-appointed Hahamonga Operating Co. hired Tim Brick to serve as executive director of Hahamonga Watershed Park, which he helped found.

The activists supported interim park boss Charles Thomas for the post, saying Thomas is more sensitive to minorities and would be a better choice for a park next to a largely minority neighborhood.
