
Psycho (KTLA Sunday at 8 p.m.) is...

Psycho (KTLA Sunday at 8 p.m.) is Alfred Hitchcock’s most horrific thriller--often copied, never equaled. It’s from Robert Bloch’s novel of madness and murder--based on the Ed Gein case--with Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, Vera Miles and Martin Balsam; great music by Bernard Herrmann.

One Woman’s Courage (NBC Sunday at 9 p.m.) is a suspenseful 1994 TV starring Patty Duke. She plays a woman who already has serious personal problems when a Good Samaritan act places her life in danger.

Romantic and preposterous all at once, the 1990 Joe Versus the Volcano (ABC Sunday at 9 p.m.) is actually a funny fable about courage, love and faith. After Tom Hanks’ doctor (Robert Stack) tells him he’s suffering from a terminal “brain cloud,” he accepts a billionaire’s (Lloyd Bridges) offer of unlimited credit. Ultimately, he makes a quick, sacrificial dive into a volcano half an ocean away to find a rare mineral Bridges must have. Meg Ryan co-stars in a bravura three-role turn. Be prepared, however, for the film’s flat ending.


Dense, satisfying, feverishly inventive and a technical marvel, the 1988 Who Framed Roger Rabbit (CBS Friday at 8 p.m.) has Robert Zemeckis as its director and Richard Williams as director of animation. All artists involved, of which there were many, may have created a film that no one sees just once. Animation aside, the treasure of the piece is Bob Hoskins’ visceral comic performance as a struggling private eye on the trail of a murderer.

Danielle Steel’s Secrets (NBC Saturday at 9 p.m.), a daring 1992 TV movie, rips the lid off the underbelly of the entertainment to expose a truly shocking discovery: that people in Hollywood are mostly fundamentally decent and really, really nice. Linda Purl and Gary Collins star.
