
Cyclist Wounded in Gang Shooting

An 18-year-old bicyclist was shot Saturday afternoon after flashing a gang sign at a passing car and then was shot a second time when he flashed the sign again, Burbank police said.

“It was an obvious gang shooting,” said a police spokesman, who declined to release the name of the wounded man. The bicyclist was taken to County-USC Medical Center with bullet wounds to the buttocks, the spokesman said.

Police said the victim was riding his bicycle near the intersection of Delaware and San Fernando roads about 1 p.m. when he flashed a gang sign at three rival gang members in a passing car. They flashed gang signs, then someone inside the car fired a shot.


Although apparently grazed by the shot, the 18-year-old continued to pedal his bicycle after the car sped away, police said.

The car soon passed by a second time, and the bicyclist once again flashed a gang sign, police said. The driver made a U-turn, and someone inside the car fired at the bicyclist at point-blank range, striking him in the buttocks.

The spokesman said the police gang unit was pursuing leads Saturday evening.
