
The Ventura Freeway: It’s Hell on Wheels

* With regard to the Valley Briefing on the Ventura Freeway (Aug. 6): It certainly is a big improvement since the widening and additional lanes in recent years--but did the contractors who did the work also purchase a chain of wheel alignment shops along the way?

If you travel eastward from just west of the 405 interchange all the way down to Laurel Canyon, each and every time you cross a major thoroughfare the freeway has been elevated to such a series of raised pavements that one has to feel they are on the E ride at Disneyland.

In the past four or five years I have had to have at least a half-dozen wheel alignments from traversing this stretch of the 101. And this at a speed of 55 m.p.h. or slower. How did Caltrans or whomever approve this work, which to me seems to be so inadequate and sloppy? Try it yourself sometime and see what I mean.



Studio City
