
School’s Recognition Is Well-Deserved

* As parents of former students and still-staunch supporters of Children’s Community School, we were thrilled to see the article by Richard Kahlenberg (“Pupils Seek Knowledge at Pressure-Free School,” Aug. 6). Mr. Kahlenberg really understood his subject.

Children’s Community School always seemed like the very best choice for us; I had been an educator experienced in progressive education methods and I knew what it could do for my children. We had tried one school and it never lived up to our expectations. We were never disappointed with Children’s Community School, not from the day we walked in and thought we had landed in school heaven, all through the good and tough times that are natural to a child’s educational development.

Our son has moved on to Campbell Hall--another outstanding institution of higher learning--and he has adjusted beautifully, thanks to the background of cooperative learning, the insistence on rigorous expectations and the firm and kind interest of the excellent staff and administration at that wonderful place known as Children’s Community School.


It is thrilling to know that Children’s Community School has received some recognition from someone who obviously has studied his subject well. Thanks to Mr. Kahlenberg.


