Royce’s Fight Against ‘Pork’ Well Done
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* The article “Pet Projects Usually Involve Pork, Says Spending Foe Ed Royce” (Aug. 7) is a story that has been due for some time.
It shows the terrific battle by the young, newly elected legislators in trying to move out the old system of legislating--the system where getting votes is more important than the principle of the project being voted on or the total cost of the “pork” in the bill.
A $10-million savings seems insignificant to some, but it is a change of attitude that these new congressmen are fighting to implant in the legislative process. I, for one, hope they win.
The Times is to be commended for carrying this story of people trying to do something right in place of persons trying to do something wrong.
Laguna Hills
* Rep. Ed Royce’s crusade as a congressional “porkbuster” is certainly a breath of fresh air coming out of the Washington political sty! Let’s clone Ed Royce!
Santa Ana