
South Bay : COPS’ PAY

If crime rates tend to rise with the mercury, so have pay rates this year for Inglewood police officers, who have received their second raise in five weeks.

The first raise, however, was retroactive, covering the officers’ 1994-95 contract, said City Manager Paul Eckles, with the latest increase affecting the 1995-96 fiscal year.

“They didn’t receive two pay raises back to back; we just finished negotiations on the current contract very quickly,” Eckles said.


In June, the City Council settled negotiations with the Inglewood Police Assn. on its 1994-95 contract, issuing a 2.5% raise retroactive to Jan. 1 of 1995. Last week, the city signed off on the 1995-96 contract with its officers, this time raising salaries by 3.5%.
