
WESTMINSTER : Mobile Home Park Regulation on Agenda

A controversial proposal to regulate the conversion of mobile home parks to other uses is on the agenda tonight as the City Council tries to resolve a debate that has continued for nearly three years.

The ordinance, which would give more protection to residents if a park closes, has divided council members at past meetings, especially on the issue of compensation to mobile home owners who are displaced.

The city’s staff has recommended that park owners pay $6,000 to $7,500 in relocation costs and up to $2,900 for hotel and food expenses for families who are displaced.


Payment for mobile homes that cannot be relocated would be based on the unit’s appraised value up to $10,000, according to the staff recommendation.

Park owners have generally opposed attempts by the city to regulate their businesses.

The city has 18 mobile home parks with a total of about 5,000 residents.

The City Council will hear public comments on the proposed ordinance at 7 p.m. at council chambers, 8200 Westminster Blvd.

In other action, the council will decide whether to require small recycling centers, such as the facilities adjacent to supermarkets, to be landscaped or screened from public view.
