
BODY WATCH : Need Help Finding the Right Health Insurance?

Picking out the best health insurance plan can be a dizzying experience. That’s where the National Patient Empowerment Council comes in. The group has drafted a booklet that poses questions on coverage, access, restrictions and expenses. You study each plan under consideration, tick off the answers in the yes or no column on a work sheet, and then tally the advantages and disadvantages.

There’s a bonus in the back of the free booklet to help you out with the gobbledygook: a glossary on managed care, HMOs, financial and limitations terminology. Send a stamped envelope to Checklist, National Patient Empowerment Council, P.O. Box 668, Pine Brook, N.J. 07058-9848.

Briefly . . .

Father Luke Dysinger, a Benedictine monk with a degree in medicine, conducts a seminar on “Healing Chant and Sacred Reading: Spiritual Meditation” tonight from 7-9 p.m. at UCLA’s R.P.B. Auditorium. (310) 794-6644 . . . Good Samaritan Hospital’s annual conference on epilepsy will be held Saturday, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., at the hospital’s conference center, 637 S. Lucas St., Los Angeles. Call (213) 481-1777 to register.


. . . The City of Los Angeles Department of Aging sponsors a health fair Aug. 15, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., for seniors at the Seinan Senior Center, 3116 W. Jefferson Blvd. Call (310) 825-8253 for details . . . On Aug. 20, Encino Tarzana Medical Center at Tarzana Hospital celebrates the opening of the San Fernando Valley Heart Institute with “Hearty Health Fair” from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. 18321 Clark St., Tarzana. For more information, call (818) 708-5192 . . . The American Academy of Ophthalmology offers eye care to low-income seniors over 65. Call (800) 222-EYES, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
