
2 Cities Retain Polis for Recycling Consulting

<i> Compiled by Jack Searles</i>

Polis Associates Inc., a Ventura solid-waste planning and public information firm, has been retained by the cities of El Monte and Berkeley to assess and increase community recycling.

The contracts total more than $320,000, reports Bev O’Gorman Polis, president of the year-old company.

“Our main focus has been recycling, and we’re pleased to be of assistance to local jurisdictions in meeting the state mandates of reaching a 50% recycling rate by the year 2000,” Polis said.


Among other projects, the company has produced two educational videos. “Oil Upon the Waters,” made for the city of Costa Mesa, promotes the recycling of used motor oil.

Another video, done for El Monte, urges business operators to recycle, reduce waste and purchase recycled products.

Polis is a former legislative aide to former state Sen. Gary Hart. The company’s other principal, Dave Polis, has been a county recycling coordinator in Washington state.
