
Landscaping, Lighting to Cost Taxpayers Less

Homeowners will pay 2.61% less next fiscal year for city landscaping and lighting, while commercial property owners will see a 1.61% decrease.

Public Works Director Ismile Noorbaksh told the City Council that prudent budgeting enabled the city’s Landscaping and Lighting District No. 2 to cut assessments for next year.

The special district covers the entire city. It is a taxing mechanism allowed by state law to pay for public landscaping and lighting costs.


Fees from the special district pay more than half of the city’s costs for street lights and for landscaping and maintenance of street rights of way, public buildings, Central Park, the Denni Street mini-park and other land used by the public.

The city expects to spend $558,000 for lighting and landscaping in the next fiscal year. Noorbaksh told the City Council on Tuesday that the special district fees would provide $393,000 of that amount.
