
SEAL BEACH : City Hall Will Close Fridays, Extend Hours

City Hall will close on Fridays beginning July 1, but it will stay open longer on the remaining weekdays in a move that city officials predict will save at least $18,000 a year.

“We’ve had a number of requests that the 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. hours are not the most convenient times,” City Manager Jerry L. Bankston said.

Residents in need of parking permits, animal licenses, construction plan reviews and other municipal services will have from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Thursday, to conduct business at City Hall.


Six months after Hermosa Beach, in Los Angeles County, switched to a similar schedule, 70% of residents surveyed preferred the extended daily hours, according to Bankston.

Cost-savings are expected from lower utility bills and reductions in employee sick leave, according to city officials who surveyed other cities with similar modified work schedules.

The adjusted hours of operation also will help the city meet commuter trip reductions required by the South Coast Air Quality Management District. With 98 city employees, Seal Beach is nearing the 100-employee level that would require the city to make a 20% reduction in the number of trips.
