
Obituaries : * Connie Frounfelter; Ventura Beautician

Connie Frounfelter, a Ventura beautician, died Tuesday after a short illness. She had lived in Ventura for 31 years.

Frounfelter worked in several Ventura beauty shops after moving from San Diego in 1964, where she had owned a beauty salon. She and her husband also owned Scotty’s Light Hauling in Ventura, where she worked as a secretary.

Frounfelter met Scotty, her husband of 27 years, when he was a part-time taxi driver in Ventura.


“I took her to work every morning to a beauty shop on Victoria,” Scotty Frounfelter said. “We just hit it off.”

Connie Frounfelter loved to travel, and the couple would take train trips across the country, her husband said.

In addition to her husband, Frounfelter is survived by her sons, Richard Parker of Dawsonville, Ga.; David Parker of Tucson, Ariz.; George Parker of San Diego; Robert Niemyer of Ventura; and Bill Niemyer of Vista, Ariz.; her sisters, Vivan Taminich of Ventura and Betty Karrem of El Paso, Texas; and several grandchildren.
