
Stax Stats

* Number of bookstores in L.A. Long Beach area (1992), the most recent year for which the American booksellers Assn. has statistics) 454

In New York: 363

* Approximate number of general interest, independent booksotres in the L.A. Basin: 54 In New Your: 25

* Number of books the Library of congress has caqtalogued since 1897 with Los Angles as the subject: 3,338


* Number of books the Library of congress has catalogued since 1997 with Los angels in the title: 3,338

* Number of books the Library of Congress has catalogued since 1897 with Los Angeles in the title: 3,459

* Most popular non-fiction book at the California State Prison in Lancaster: Califorinia Penal Code


* Most popular non-fiction book at the California State Prison in Lancaster: California Penal code

* Most popular fiction at Peter J. Pitchess Honor Rancho in Saugus: “The Silence of the Lambs,” by Thomas Harris “Disclosure,” by Michael Crichton and “The Client.” by John Grisham

* Best-selling book at LAX: “The Chamber,” by John Grisham *

Number of catallgued items (books, paperbacks, magazines, video, etc.) in the L.A Public Library system: 5 million


* Number of catalogued items (books, paperbacks, magazines, video, etc.) in the l.A. Public Library system: 5 million

* Number of catalogued items in the L.A. County bibrary system: 6 million

* Number of research guestion asked of county librarians in one year: 2 million

* County library budget for ‘94-’95: $36.7 million

* ‘88-89: $69 million

* L.A. Public Library budget for ‘94-’95: $69 million

* Most books checked ut by one person at the Beverly Hills Library in a single year since 1990: 1,200 (Los Angeles figures not available)

Research: Emily Gest and Allessandra Djurklou
