
A summary of selected City Hall actions last week that affect the Westside. : CITY COUNCIL

BUILDING VIOLATIONS--Accepted two properties into the city’s Rent Escrow Account Program, which is designed to encourage landlords to quickly repair and better maintain their buildings. Once a building is placed into REAP, the tenants place their rents into a city account; the city keeps $50 of every rent payment and the remaining money is turned over to the landlords once the repairs are made. The properties added are at 821-23 3/4 N. Cahuenga Blvd., as a result of electrical violations, and 1070 Glendon Ave., because of plumbing and gas violations.

* VENICE BEACH SHUTTLE--Approved spending $82,500 of city Department of Transportation funds to operate the DASH-Venice shuttle bus through Sept. 4. The shuttle is to run every 10 minutes on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., from a parking lot at 4503 Glencoe Ave. to the intersection of Pacific Avenue and Venice Way, a block from the Venice Boardwalk. The bus makes two stops along the way.


* LAPD HELICOPTERS--Instructed the Los Angeles Police Department to develop a new helicopter replacement program that would require replacing the aircraft after they reach a certain mileage. Currently, several of the department’s helicopters have more than 30,000 miles on them, which experts said is the equivalent of 600,000 car miles. In comparison, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department replaces its helicopters after they reach 8,000 miles. Passed 11-0. Voting yes: Marvin Braude, John Ferraro, Ruth Galanter, Jackie Goldberg, Nate Holden, Mark Ridley Thomas.
