
Four-Star Films : ‘From Here to Eternity’

James Jones’ epic novel of Pearl Harbor--a massively detailed rendering of GI life just before the storms of World War II--was toned down but still powerful when it was filmed in 1953 under the firm direction of Fred Zinnemann. Its all-star cast is composed of Montgomery Clift as the rebellious trumpeter Prewitt, Frank Sinatra as feisty Maggio, Ernest Borgnine as murderous Fatso, Donna Reed as a golden-hearted hooker, and Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr in a legendary love scene on the beach (pictured) that still makes waves today (Showtime Monday at 12:15 p.m.).

Other selected four-star films airing this week:

Lost Horizon (1937) / Disney, Monday at 9 p.m.

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn / AMC, Tuesday, 5:05 and 10 p.m.

Mr. Deeds Goes to Town / Disney, Tuesday at 10 p.m.

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington / Disney, early Thursday, 2:30 a.m.

East of Eden / AMC, Friday, noon, early Saturday, 1 a.m.

The Searchers / TNT, Friday, 7:45 p.m.
