
3.8 Earthquake Shakes Parts of Lake Tahoe

Associated Press

A mild earthquake shook portions of the Lake Tahoe area late Friday, but no damage was reported.

The temblor, which occurred at 10:49 p.m., measured a magnitude 3.8, according to the UC Berkeley seismographic station.

Its epicenter was about five miles northeast of Markleeville, a station official said.

“I felt it myself and it was a really small thing,” said an Alpine County sheriff’s dispatcher. “It was enough to feel and that was about it. . . . It lasted only a short time.”


The quake also was felt by some residents in nearby South Lake Tahoe. Douglas County, Nev., sheriff’s deputies said they received only one call about the quake.

Stuart Koyanagi at the National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, Colo., said the quake may have come as an aftershock to last year’s 6.3 jolt in the Double Springs area along U.S. Highway 395 south of Gardnerville, Nev.

“Last night’s quake was in the same general area as the one last year,” he said. “They’re close enough that we might be talking the same fault.”
