
REDONDO BEACH : Flood-Control Project Gets County Approval

A project to protect Redondo Beach and parts of Torrance from flooding has been approved by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

The $8.5-million project will add catch basins and storm drains to divert runoff from roadways and will double the capacity of an underground concrete water basin at Avenue H and Doris Way. The water will be pumped underground to existing pipes and eventually will drain into the ocean.

“It’s quite a big project,” Public Works spokeswoman Donna Guyovich said. “There’s over 6,000 feet of storm drain going in.”


During heavy storms in January, about 150 Redondo Beach homes flooded, and major damage was reported along Avenue H, city civil engineer Maureen Lull said.

In a nearby area of Torrance, streets and garages flooded, but no homes were damaged, said Sam Smith of the Torrance Engineering Department.

County officials said the enlarged basin should contain runoff from most storms, with flooding occurring only once every 50 years.
