
Anaheim City Council Votes to Oppose Tax : Measure R: Proposed half-cent sales levy is called ‘a bad idea’ in debate before 100 opponents.


With more than 100 Measure R opponents in attendance, the City Council on Tuesday passed a resolution stating its opposition to the proposed half-cent sales tax designed to help the county out of its financial mess.

Mayor Tom Daly and Councilman Frank Feldhaus abstained from voting on the resolution, which passed 3 to 2.

The vote came after an emotionally charged meeting during which more than a dozen people spoke against the measure.


“It is a bad idea,” said television commentator Hugh Hewitt, who was among the anti-Measure R speakers. “There is an endless amount of resources in this county to pay off creditors . . . endless array of possibilities.”

County Chief Executive Officer William J. Popejoy and Sheriff Brad Gates were invited to speak in favor of the tax hike but were unable to attend the meeting due to scheduling conflicts, city officials said.

The vote was a victory for Councilman Bob Zemel, who had been pushing members to take a public stand on the measure. He voted in favor of the resolution against the tax hike along with Councilmen Tom Tait and Lou Lopez. Tait, who authored the council’s resolution, said the county’s sales tax is already too high.


“Enough is enough,” he said. “The outrageous becomes acceptable when it’s given in small doses. To me, we’ve reached the outrageous point.”

Daly attempted to have the resolution tabled and suggested that a public forum be scheduled so that residents could hear from both sides of the issue.

“I think the citizens can be trusted to make their own individual, private decision on matters such as this,” he said.
