
DRUGS II: Addiction experts generally say that...

DRUGS II: Addiction experts generally say that the first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem. Weiland apparently did just that when he and Courtney Love Cobain called radio station KROQ about 24 hours after his arrest and taped a message, which the station played several times Tuesday morning.

“I have a disease,” said Love Cobain, reading from a letter written by Weiland, who said in the tape that he was too “embarrassed” to read it himself. “It’s a disease called drug addiction and I just wanted to say I’m sorry to my friends, my band, whom I love and have let down, my wife and family, and the social ideals to which I have become a hypocrite.”

There was no official comment from Stone Temple Pilots management or Atlantic Records, but Weiland is expected to enter a rehab clinic. Assuming the treatment is successful, he plans to return to work on an album that had been expected for summer release, but now will likely not come before late in the year.
