
RAPID WITHDRAWAL: Los Angeles police are seeking...

RAPID WITHDRAWAL: Los Angeles police are seeking three men suspected of committing at least nine armed robberies in one night in Hollywood and the Valley (B1). Police say the wild crime spree, whose targets ranged from a Hollywood Thai restaurant to a Chatsworth convenience store, may have been unplanned. . . . “I think it’s just a random thing that one night these guys just went kind of nuts,” said one officer.

BUT CAN HE HUM? Farley D. Kaynine, the canine candidate for honorary mayor of Sunland-Tujunga, is sniffing around for a campaign song. . . . A contest kicked off Thursday runs through June 15. Submissions should be sent to Deja View Photography in Sunland. “Just don’t ask him to do karaoke,” said Dan Skywalker, Farley’s spokesman. “He doesn’t follow lines very well.”

WILD WALT: Long before there was Disneyland, Walt Disney dreamed of the Wild West. . . . Animated characters like Slue-Foot Sue, above, and real-life heroes like Davy Crockett helped Disney reshape our view of Western folklore--and even helped finance Disneyland. A new exhibit at the Autry Museum of Western Heritage shows how Disney worked his magic. See Valley Life! Page 10.


COLOR ME HAPPY: Forget Palm Springs. If you really want to relax, pick up a crayon. . . . A growing number of adults are rediscovering the joy of coloring with crayons. There’s even a Cal State Northridge art class doing it. Many adults say it reminds them of their carefree childhood. “You don’t have to be a Van Gogh,” said one coloring aficionado. “You can just enjoy yourself.” See Valley Life! Page 32.

CINDERELLA STORY: In her freshman year, CSUN softball pitcher Kathy Blake-Small spent a lot of time crying. Teammates and opponents jeered her. But it’s a different story now. . . . Blake-Small is the Matadors’ leading pitcher going into today’s regional tournament qualifying for the college world series (C6).
