
Christian Coalition

* Re “Is This a Make-Over or Is It a Cover-Up?” May 12: I am somewhat disturbed at the commentary by Norman Lear and the Rev. David Ramage of People For the American Way.

The “dynamic duo of tolerance” claimed, “Ralph Reed has undertaken a strategic campaign to put a benign, non-threatening facade on the Christian Coalition’s well-documented agenda.” This strongly implies that there is some malignant, threatening agenda underneath the new “facade” they see Reed putting up. One might have hoped that Lear and Ramage could at least applaud Reed’s attempted conciliation.

They also claim that in Pat Robertson’s 1991 book, “The New World Order,” “the ‘historical analysis’ he sets forth has been exposed as the rehashing of old anti-Semitic tracts.” I happen to have read the book, and know the charge is blatantly untrue.


The piece is filled with examples of obfuscation, and misrepresentation. But the worst thing about it is the obvious hatred. The whole piece seems full of it, as do its foundation and impetus.


