
The condensed life story of Two West...

The condensed life story of Two West Coffee House in Ventura:

Opened in January, shut down in February after serious damage from a two-alarm fire, reopened Saturday for the Downtown Ventura Artwalk and Java Jump, closed again Sunday for touch-ups.

And back in business, full time, this weekend.

Co-owner Dave Paglia said he took the unfortunate opportunity provided by the fire to make needed changes.

“The theme is the same, but now we’re completely over the top,” he said of the off-the-wall decor. “The coffee bar is longer now, too. We just kind of finished it the way it should have been done the first time.”


Among other changes: the addition of fire sprinklers.

Two West is at 2 W. Main St.


If you’re craving a dish of sweet potatoes and strawberries, this weekend’s California Strawberry Festival will have just what you’re looking for. In addition to that rather inventive combination, look for strawberry pancakes, strawberry pizza and barbecue chicken with strawberries.

The celebration will be held at Oxnard’s College Park, 3250 S. Rose Ave., 10 a.m to 6:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.


Three local chefs will be putting their money where their seafood is when they travel to the Brander Vineyards in Los Olivos for the sixth annual Santa Barbara Bouillabaisse Festival on Sunday.


Louis Ludwig of the Pierpont Inn, Sandy Smith of Rosarito Beach Cafe and Gael Lecoley of Wheeler Hot Springs will be among the entrants cooking up the French Mediterranean fish stew. Lecoley won the award for best classic bouillabaisse at last year’s competition.

Of course, the key ingredient of bouillabaisse is the fish. But it’s the other variables that make the difference.

“A lot of people think it has to be red, but true bouillabaisse is made from a clear fish broth,” Ludwig said. “The primary seasonings are saffron and fennel, so you get this musky flavor of saffron and the broth comes out yellow.”


Ludwig suggested adding leeks, carrots, celery, onion, peppercorn, thyme, parsley and a touch of garlic.
