
Wildlife: Crediting Samson’s Human Patron

I am very happy to see such extensive coverage about the wonderful story of Samson, the pool-loving bear [April 27], who will soon be moving to his new quarters at the Orange County Zoo.

I am, however, disappointed that your articles do not include the name of the man who is responsible for naming Samson, and for ultimately saving the bear’s life.

That man is Arcadia resident Craig Bonholtzer, a well-known naturalist who makes daily treks through the Angeles National Forest watching and recording the bears and other wildlife of the area. He named Samson, for his mighty size, several years ago, and has been tracking his whereabouts ever since.


When word came that Samson was going to be captured and killed, it was Bonholtzer who led the protest against Samson’s plight and set the wheels in motion for his ultimate reprieve by the governor. Bonholtzer organized, and spoke at, the press conference that informed the public about Samson’s predicament. He was also the one who made the all-important phone call to Gov. Pete Wilson’s office that resulted in Samson’s reprieve. Bonholtzer was also very active in locating a new home for Samson and was responsible for lining up many of the major sponsors for Samson’s new habitat, including Home Depot, Trammell Crow Co. and Monrovia Nursery.

In addition, Bonholtzer is the one who originally fought for the wildlife of the Angeles National Forest when a bear was killed in Azusa last year because of the lack of proper tranquilizing equipment. It was after this unfortunate incident that Mr. Bonholtzer formed the San Gabriel Mountains Bear and Wildlife Preservation Society, which raised enough money to purchase two tranquilizing rifles for the local office of the California Department of Fish and Game. Because of his efforts, it is less likely that any bear or other wildlife creature will ever again have to be killed because of the lack of proper equipment.

