
PASADENA: Scott Weiland, lead singer for the...

PASADENA: Scott Weiland, lead singer for the rock group Stone Temple Pilots, was arrested on drug-related charges at 12:30 a.m. Sunday in the alley behind the Pasada Motel in the 3600 block of East Colorado Boulevard. Weiland, 27, was charged with possession of cocaine, heroin and drug paraphernalia and driving under the influence of a controlled substance, police said. Sheriff’s deputies said they were making a routine check in an unincorporated county area of east Pasadena when Weiland drove his Lexus into the parking lot and made what deputies believed to be a drug transaction with another man. Weiland then drove away with his headlights off, the deputies said. The other suspect, who was on foot, got away. Weiland spent Sunday night at the Temple sheriff’s station. He was released Monday morning after posting $10,000 bail.

SAN GABRIEL: A 20-year-old man was shot and killed during a fight involving at least six other men in the parking lot of the Windsor Cafe in San Gabriel between 4:45 and 5 p.m. Sunday, sheriff’s deputies said. Richard Phan of Los Angeles died at 5:12 p.m. at San Gabriel Medical Center from multiple gunshot wounds. The six to eight others involved fled. No one has been arrested.

WEST COVINA: An acquaintance of Lola Mary Ramirez, 26, who was stabbed to death Monday afternoon, has been arrested in connection with the killing, police said. Ramirez’s parents came home about 2:15 p.m. and found their daughter bleeding on the floor. Also in the Merced Avenue home at the time was Alan Kidd, 44, of West Covina, who was on parole after being convicted of sex offenses. Kidd was taken into custody and is being held without bail at the West Covina Jail, police said.
