
Orange County Almanac

The proposed sale of Santa Catalina Island to British investors was the final mission of Maximilian Franz Otto von Strobel, the first mayor of Anaheim.

Strobel served as mayor of Anaheim in 1870, the year that the California Legislature granted incorporation to the city. Also in the early 1870s, Strobel went to work for a Southern California land syndicate that was trying to sell Catalina. Strobel sailed to London in early 1873 and swung a deal in which British investors would pay the then-astounding price of $1 million for the island. But on the day the deal was to be closed, Feb. 17, 1873, Strobel died suddenly in his room in London at the age of 47. The island sale never was consummated.


Think you might be the next Rush Limbaugh? The Newport Beach Public Library could help you find out with a program.


Mike Rounds, president of the Greater Los Angeles chapter of the National Speakers Assn., will discuss how to find talk radio stations, how to prepare a mail and telephone campaign to station management and ways to make money on the radio talk-show circuit.

The free program begins at noon at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave.
