
SEEING RED: Except for Christmas, today is...

SEEING RED: Except for Christmas, today is the biggest day for the flower business. What kind of flowers will Orange County moms be getting? “Roses--the deeper and brighter the color, the better,” says Bob Poirier, president of Conroy’s 1 (800) Flowers. “It’s the expression of love and sentiment.” . . . . He predicts that $100 million in flowers will be sold nationwide on this Mother’s Day. Most roses here, he says, will be in spring basket arrangements.

THIN BLUE LINE: Maybe it’s becoming common to see people wearing ribbons for causes, but police officers in many Orange County cities will be wearing blue ribbons this week. And they’re asking you to wear them too. It comes from a state resolution voted in last year. . . . Wearing a blue ribbon this week, says Santa Ana Police Sgt. Bob Clark, shows “you support all peace officers and law enforcement agencies.”

HAT TRICK: If there’s ever a tie in the trustee elections for the Huntington Beach Union High School District, there won’t be a second election. Instead, the tied candidates’ names will be placed in a hat and the winner drawn from there. . . . The school board recently voted in this unorthodox procedure after learning the state permits either a new election or “winner by lot.” Don’t expect a hat drawing soon, says Supt. David Hagen: “We’ve never had a tied election, and frankly I never expect one.”


ADIEU, HERO: ShadowHawk, produced by Jim Valentino of San Juan Capistrano, was the first black comic book hero, then the first to come down with AIDS--deliberately infected by drug dealers. Now Valentino is introducing a new touch of realism: In the installment to come out this week, ShadowHawk dies from the disease. And he doesn’t come back to life like Superman either. . . . Spokesman Randy Chalenor says Valentino has a serious message: “When you get AIDS, you die.”


Flower Power

Mother’s Day is second among special days for giving flowers in Orange County. When flowers are given: Christmas: 30% Mother’s Day: 23% Easter/Passover: 21% Valentine’s Day: 15% Thanksgiving: 4% Other special days: 7% Source: Conroy’s Flowers
