
Eli Home Helps

Orange County is in bankruptcy, child abuse is on the rise, state and national programs are needing to cut costs, and the city of Anaheim wants to give the Eli Home a hard time.

The Eli Home helps abused children and their mothers at no cost to the city, state, or national government. The Eli Home survives totally by donations. Those donations don’t always come on time, and yes, the Eli Home has had some late payments. The government does pay late, and the government spends money it doesn’t have. But we are still required to give our tax dollars to the causes the government chooses to shower with unlimited funds.

Most homes for abused children keep the children and raise them, or send them back to the same environment. The Eli Home teaches the children and the mother how to live, with their heads held high.




* I was a house manager for the Eli Home for five years and have been an Eli Home volunteer for the past 10 years. I have personally witnessed the thousands of people who have benefited from Eli’s programs throughout the years. I am currently in contact with many of the past residents of the home who have taken what they have learned from Eli and have made positive changes in their lives.

I also know, firsthand, the financial difficulties that the organization experienced in the past just trying to raise enough money to keep the organization afloat. It pains me to know that opponents are using the financial issue to attempt to camouflage the real reason that they do not want the Eli Home in their neighborhood, which is NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard).


