
Hall of Shame Award Targets Environment

The North Valley Coalition and Citizens United will hold their second annual Environmental Hall of Shame Award ceremony Saturday at Bee Canyon Park in Granada Hills.

Among those nominated by the environmental groups for the not-so-coveted award:

California Integrated Solid Waste Management, for “allowing yard trimmings to be used as daily cover at landfills and be counted as diverted from landfills;” the city of Los Angeles’ Bureau of Sanitation, for “breaking its promise to the citizens of Los Angeles by pushing to keep Lopez Canyon Landfill, originally scheduled to close in 1991, open until the year 2001,” and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, for “trying to cement-in more of the Los Angeles River.”

Though only one of the nominees will win the shame award, the rest will receive “dishonorable mention,” said Mary Edwards of the North Valley Coalition, which opposes the planned expansion and reopening of Sunshine Canyon Landfill north of Granada Hills.


The event, to include a potluck meal, will take place from noon to 3 p.m.
