
CALABASAS : Volunteers Sought for Youth Program

Calabasas is seeking volunteers ages 11 through 17 to participate in a summer program designed to keep youths out of trouble while providing them with job experience.

The city will hold an orientation June 13 at 6 p.m. at City Hall, 26135 Mureau Road. VolunTEEN ’95 will begin June 26 and end Sept. 1. Applications are now available at City Hall and must be turned in by no later than 5 p.m. June 2.

For information, call the city’s Community Services Department at (818) 878-4225.

Volunteers can get experience in a number of areas, including teaching sports classes and working at City Hall.


There are also positions with the Calabasas Chamber of Commerce.

Some volunteers will help the city plan two major events, a Fourth of July party and a bluegrass festival Aug. 6.

The city of Calabasas launched the volunteer program three years ago, when it contracted the program out to Agoura Hills.

It took over the program the following year.

Last year, about 100 teen-agers participated, according to city officials.
