
STANTON : Council Appoints 3 Members to Planning Commission

The City Council has appointed three members to the Planning Commission.

Former City Councilman Don Martinez, who has served as an interim planning commissioner since January, is among the successful candidates.

Also joining the commission is Paul St. Clair, a 30-year resident of Stanton and a volunteer for a number of civic panels, including the city’s community services committee and formerly a member of the community affairs committee.

Alexander Ethans, a participant in several county youth groups, including the Cub Scouts, is the third new member.


In the wake of Orange County’s December bankruptcy filing, the City Council had put off appointing new members to the commission while it considered dissolving it altogether as a cost-saving measure.

At its April 25 meeting, however, the council voted not to take over the responsibilities of the commission. The new members were appointed at Tuesday’s council meeting.

Nine people had applied for the positions, which pay $50 for each meeting. The five-member commission usually meets twice a month.
