
PACOIMA : MEND Raising Funds to Finish Expansion

Patrons of Meet Each Need with Dignity (MEND), a nonprofit service agency in Pacoima, are conducting a recycling drive to raise funds to complete an expansion of the agency’s center on Van Nuys Boulevard.

MEND, which provides more than 10,000 low-income people each month with food, clothing, medical care, job training and other services, must raise $350,000 to complete the first phase of the construction project, which began in March, said Executive Director Marianne Haver Hill.

When finished, the building will have an additional 10,000 square feet, providing space for an expanded medical clinic and pharmacy, a larger reception area, a new computer laboratory and extra storage for food, clothing, furniture and other donated materials.


“Since the building was renovated in 1988, our client load has quintupled,” Hill said. “We did not anticipate that, and it has been frustrating for our clients because we don’t have any place to put them. The expansion will allow them a place to wait. It will lend them some dignity.”

MEND is seeking individual and corporate sponsors for various rooms in the expanded facility. Sponsors will receive recognition for contributions throughout the facility, Hill said.

For more information call MEND at (818) 896-0246.
